Contact RACV

Phone Number : 137228

Email :

Business Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm / Saturday to Sunday: Closed

Website :

Contact RACV Australia customer service contact numbers

Corporate Head office: Level 7 485 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

RACV Australia
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by PingStix

which was still under warranty but Samsung refused to help me. I didn't have portables listed on my Home & Contents so Cassandra put through a loyalty review for me

 by John Giannetti

Very good customer service but unfortunately my car he couldn't fix

Looking for the RACV Australia customer service and support number? To contact RACV is very easy. Here are the top 7 ways to get in touch with RACV.

RACV Phone Number

13 72 28Customer Service

You can reach RACV customer support by calling 13 72 28 number directly. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during working hours Monday to Sunday: 24 Hours.

RACV Australia Contact/Phone Numbers

RACV customer service 13 72 28
Roadside Assist 13 11 11
Insurance Claims 13 19 03
Membership enquiries 13 72 28
RACV Retail Stores 13 72 28
RACV Community Foundation (03) 9790 2919
Head Office Contact Number (03) 9790 2211
Hearing Impaired TTY 13 36 77
Calling from overseas +61 3 8832 7980
Media enquiries (03) 9790 2572
Emergency Roadside Assistance, Batteries & Parts (24 hours) 13 72 28
Extra Care & Total Care (24 hours) 1800 333 300
Drive School 1300 788 229
Motoring Advisory Line (03) 9790 2190
Travel HolidayLine 13 13 29
Cruises & Tours 1300 850 884
RACV Marine 1300 870 922
Emergency Home Assist (24 hours) 13 46 63
Home Security 13 27 56
Smart Home 13 27 56
RACV Club Membership 1300 501 501
City Club (03) 9944 8888
Healesville Country Club (03) 5962 4899
Car & Personal Loans 13 15 60
Salary Solutions 1800 680 180
Cape Schanck (03) 5950 8000
Cobram (03) 5871 9700
Goldfields (Creswick) (03) 5345 9600
Hobart Hotel (03) 6270 8600
Inverloch (03) 5674 0000
Noosa (07) 5341 6300
Royal Pines (Gold Coast) (07) 5597 8700
Torquay (03) 5261 1600

RACV’s Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Service Phone Number

Call 13 72 28

This is a RACV Australia’s Finest customer service telephone number that you can use to contact RACV. since the real time present wait on hold and resources such as bypassing right through those telephone lines to get directly into a RACV AU agent. You can use this number for various tasks such as

  • Policy Question
  • Get Insurance
  • Get Quote
  • Retrieve Quote
  • Roadside Assistance
  • Cancel Policy
  • Make a Claim
  • Insurance Plans
  • A different issue

Head Office Contact Number

Corporate Head office address of RACV Australia.
Level 7 485 Bourke Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia

For any general inquiries, please contact RACV head office number : (03) 9790 2211

Contacting RACV – by phone or otherwise

Even though 13 72 28 is RACV’s finest toll-free number, you will find 4 complete ways of getting in contact with them. Apart from calling, the upcoming favorite alternative for customers searching for assistance is through online mail support for RACV Australia customer service Support. If you feel this information is wrong or know of other ways to get RACV, please let us know so we can discuss with other consumers.


As an alternative, you can email RACV at one of the support email addresses given below. To make process simple, fast and efficient, it might be helpful if you included sufficient information in your email address to let them verify your identity, including your present address, date of birth, phone details etc.

For General Inquiries :

Other email:

Contact RACV Australia Through Social Media, Website & App

If you have a missing claim, a small issue with an RACV service, or are having trouble making a purchase insurance, try using social media to contact RACV Australia. Go to their official Facebook or Twitter, and click on the “message” button.

RACV Australia Regular Customer Service Hours

Mon to Friday : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday to Sunday : Closed

Store hours today Opening Hours Closing Hours
Monday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Tuesday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Wednesday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Thursday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed Closed
Sunday Closed Closed

RACV Holiday Hours

Customer service is closed on most public holidays. Our self serve functions are available for working hours.

  • New Year’s Day
  • Australia Day
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Monday
  • Anzac Day
  • Christmas Day
  • Boxing Day

How to contact various departments of RACV

Contact RACV customer service

In case you’ve got an issue or problem with your service, you can tell your problems & Customer Support department on 13 72 28 from working hours Monday to Sunday: 24 Hours.

RACQ Travel & Leisure Department

If you have any problem during travel and if you want to get help to contact on this number 13 13 29.

Roadside Assistance Department

If you want any issue or problems on roadside and get the help to calling on this number 13 72 28.

RACV Home Assistance Department

If you want get the for emergency home assistance or other problem regarding this department to contact on this number 13 46 63.

Contact RACV Resorts Department

If you want to any problem or issue for resorts department to contact on this department (03) 5950 8000.

Lodge A Complaint to RACV

At RACV, they place you and your expertise first, which explains why your feedback is really important for them. If you are with a problem, we would like to assist you fix it as soon as possible. We have made our complaints procedure simple with all the below form. Simply provide your information at RACV Complaint department and one of our experts will be connected.


Where is the RACV head office?
RACV – HEAD OFFICE – 485 Bourke St, Melbourne Victoria, Australia – Phone Number – Yelp.

Is RACV Australia owned?
Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Limited is a locally-owned unlisted public company, deriving revenue from the provision of members, insurance and financial services, and social club and tourism operations and services.

How do I complain to RACV?
If you have a complaint, call 13 RACV (13 72 28) or visit your local RACV Retail Store to talk to our team. They will try to resolve the matter, but if they can’t you’ll be referred to a manager who will take over your complaint.

How do I email RACV?
call us on 13 72 28. visit one of our stores. send an email to

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine Contact numbers for RACV Australia Customer Service.

Got some questions? Or some suggestions? That’s why we’ve got a review section on this site! You can feel free to leave a review or two down below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

We love reading your messages……

Also Read : Contact Metlife

More Ways to Contact RACV

RACV Phone Number
RACV Customer Service
Email Support RACV
RACV Help Desk
Social Media Support RACV

RACV Customer Reviews

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RACV Australia
Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by PingStix

which was still under warranty but Samsung refused to help me. I didn't have portables listed on my Home & Contents so Cassandra put through a loyalty review for me

 by John Giannetti

Very good customer service but unfortunately my car he couldn't fix