Whirlpool Phone Number

Whirlpool Phone number helpline is available for existing and non existing consumers to get support.

Whirlpool Contact Number

1300 363 344 Customer Service

Call Whirlpool phone number is one of the best ways to contact Whirlpool Home Appliance in Australia, Also this is easy, fast and you will speak with a customer care executive in just a few seconds.

You can reach Whirlpool customer support by calling number 1300 363 344 directly.  You can contact during working hours Monday to Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday: Closed.

Whirlpool Australia Contact/Phone Numbers

Whirlpool customer service 1300 363 344
Sales inquiry Whirlpool 1300 762 219
Whirlpool Warranty Service Enquiries 1300 363 344
Human Resources Whirlpool 1-888-539-2372
General enquires 269-923-5000
Media inquiries Number 269-923-7405
Inverstor Relation Department Number (269) 923-2641

Whirlpool’s Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Service Phone Number

Call 1300 363 344

This is an Whirlpool Australia’s Finest customer service telephone number that you can use to contact Whirlpool. since the real time present wait on hold and resources such as bypassing right through those telephone lines to get directly into a Whirlpool AU agent. You can use this number for various tasks such as

  • Return Product
  • Home appliances Product Service
  • Change Order
  • Track Order
  • Feedback about your experiences in-store or with a particular product
  • Complaint
  • Cancel Order issue
Whirlpool Business Development service contact

This is the direct, Business customer service for any and all Whirlpool issues. Start here to get your business service set up with Whirlpool mail to: B2Bdevelopment@whirlpool.com get your account managed and Experiencing a business issue with your service? They can help you.

Call 1300 363 344 – Whirlpool Customers Service

if you have any issue of whirlpool customer service to direct calling this number and whirlpool friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Head Office Contact Number

Corporate Head office address of Whirlpool Australia.
building 2/195 Wellington Rd,
Clayton VIC 3168, Australia

For any general inquiries, please contact Whirlpool head office number : 1300 363 344

General Problems that Whirlpool Customers Reports

How do I register my Whirlpool appliance?

How do I clean and care for my product surfaces?

What are the advantages of registering my Whirlpool appliance?

Common Problem Categories

  • Change Order
  • Track Order
  • Complaint
  • Cancel Order
  • Return Product

Contact Whirlpool customer service Department

If you want to report any damaged electronic device or in case you’ve got a significant issue about Whirlpool device that’s a danger to public security, contact their helpline support number at 1300 363 344 that is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Contact Whirlpool Business Development Department

If you want to contact Whirlpool Business Development Department the whirlpool provide business to business development opportunity and acquisition inquiries mail to: B2Bdevelopment@whirlpool.com

Contact Whirlpool Employees and Retires Department

If you have any questions about employee and retires to direct calling to whirlpool Human Resource Department for this number 1-888-539-2372.

How to Contact Whirlpool Sales Department

If you want to contact whirlpool Sales Department for any issue or questions for sale please contact this number 1300 363 344.


How do I escalate a complaint with Whirlpool?
If you are facing any issues or disputes with the services given by them, then you can raise your concern with the customer care team. Whirlpool Customer care number: Toll-Free Whirlpool customer care phone number is 1800 208 1800.

How do I contact Whirlpool?
(866) 698-2538

What is the lawsuit against Whirlpool?
The settlement resolves CPSC’s charges that Whirlpool knowingly failed to immediately report to CPSC, as required by law, that 17 models of its JennAir, KitchenAid, and Whirlpool brand electric radiant heat cooktops contained a defect that could create a substantial product hazard and created an unreasonable risk of

Did China buy Whirlpool?
What’s new: China has approved leading microwave oven manufacturer Galanz’s purchase of 61% of Whirlpool China Co. Ltd., the Chinese arm of one of the top U.S. makers of home appliances like washing machines and refrigerators

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records of Whirlpool phone number to directly contact Whirlpool customer service department.

More Ways to Contact Whirlpool

Whirlpool Customer Service
Live Chat Support Whirlpool
Whirlpool Help Desk
Whirlpool on Social Media
All Whirlpool contacts

Whirlpool Customer Reviews

Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Monkia Service center on Whirlpool Australia

Agree with Dipak's last review. Chor and Fraud local shop. Technician is like a farm labour. Very rude. Without checking refrigerator and problem asking for 2500 charges.
Don't deal with this kind of people.