Temple & Webster Phone Number

Temple & Webster Phone number helpline is available for existing and non existing consumers to get support.

Temple & Webster Contact Number

1300 900 675 Customer Service

Call Temple & Webster phone number is one of the best ways to contact Temple & Webster Beauty Care australia, Also this is easy, fast and you will speak with a customer care executive in just a few seconds.

You can reach Temple & Webster customer support by calling 1300 900 675 number directly.  You can contact during working hours Monday to Friday: 09:00 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday: Closed.

Temple & Webster Australia Contact/Phone Numbers

Temple & Webster customer service contact 1300 900 675
General enquires of Temple & Webster 1300 900 675
Temple & Webster head office Number +61 1300 900 675
Business Care Contact Of Temple & Webster +61 296 984 548

Temple & Webster’s Best 800 Customer Service Phone Number

Call 1300 900 675

This is a Temple & Webster Australia’s Finest customer service telephone number that you can use to contact Temple & Webster. since the real time present wait on hold and resources such as bypassing right through those telephone lines to get directly into a Temple & Webster AU agent. You can use this number for various tasks such as

  • Order Enquiry
  • Track your Order
  • Cancel Order
  • Delivery issue
  • Return & warranty issue
  • Payment issue
  • A different issue

Call +61 296 984 548 – Temple & Webster Business Care

This is the direct, Business customer service line for any and all Temple & Webster issues. Start here to get your business service set up with Temple & Webster, help with Delivery, get your account managed and Experiencing a problems or issue with your service? They can help you.

Call 1300 900 675 – Temple & Webster Enterprice Customers

This is the direct, Enterprice customer service line for any and all Temple & Webster issues.

Head Office Contact Number

Corporate Head office address of Temple & Webster Australia.
1A 1-7 Unwins Bridge Road,
St Peters,
NSW 2044, Australia

For any general inquiries, please contact Temple & Webster head office number : +61 1300 900 675

General Problems that Temple & Webster Customers Reports

How do i find out when an item will be Shipped?

Can i Pick Up my order?

What happens if i am missing an item from my order?

Common Problem Categories

  • Order issue
  • Delivery issue
  • Customer Support
  • Return issue
  • Cancel service

Temple & Webster customer service support

In case you’ve got an issue or problem with your service or products, you can tell your problems Customer Support department on 1300 900 675.

Temple & Webster Order enquiry Department

If you want to ask a questions or any issue regarding your order like order status, conformation number to visit on this webpage and get solution quick and easily.

Account Department of Temple & Webster

If you want to create new account, Signup or login in Temple & Webster and any kind of help for an account issue to visit on this webpage.

Contact Temple & Webster Payments Department

If you want to get information about your payment method or process like Payment pending, kinds of payment and refund process to visit on this webpage and get solution easily and quickly.

Lodge A Complaint to Temple & Webster

At Temple & Webster, they place you and your expertise first, which explains why your feedback is really important for them. If you are with a problem, we would like to assist you fix it as soon as possible. We have made our complaints procedure simple with all the below form. Simply provide your information at Temple & Webster Complaint department and one of our experts will be connected.


Is Temple and Webster only online?
Temple & Webster is Australia’s Number 1 online-only retailer of furniture and homewares. We believe everyone wants to live more beautifully, and our vision is to make the world more beautiful, one room at a time.

Does Temple and Webster have a store in Melbourne?
E-retailer Temple & Webster has opened its first outlet store in the Melbourne suburb of Richmond, offering discounts of up to 70 per cent on a wide range of furniture, homewares and decor pieces.

Is Temple and Webster made in China?
They use their own manufacturing facilities and partners based in China, Canada, Middle East and Australia, to make sure and guarantee that their customers never pay retail prices again.

Is Temple and Webster dropshipping?
Temple & Webster has over 200,000 products on sale from hundreds of suppliers. The business runs an innovative drop-shipping model whereby products are sent directly to customers by suppliers, enabling faster delivery times and reducing the need to hold inventory, allowing for a larger product range.

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records of Temple & Webster phone number to directly contact Temple & Webster customer service department.

More Ways to Contact Temple & Webster

Temple & Webster Customer Service
Temple & Webster Live Chat
Social Media Support of Temple & Webster
Temple & Webster Help Desk
All Temple & Webster contacts

Temple & Webster Customer Reviews

Average rating:  
 21 reviews

Love dealing with Temple and Webster. Easy, efficient and the service is grat. I am receiving my parcels, generally within 10 days of placing the order. Goods are good quality at an affordable price, perfect for our accommodation apartments.

I like it a lot, will absolutely follow this up essay writing service

 by Horn Wijaya on Temple & Webster Australia

I ordered 3 x DBL bedframe from the site, money paid instantly, order arrived within the week. 2 sets were set up, nice and done, while the last set had a show stopper, missing parts. My daughter had been sleeping on the floor in the meantime as the item was halfway done.

First of all, I couldn't find the Customer Support phone number anywhere on the site. So I chatted with the online Chat. And I lodged in my issue, I emailed them too, only to get reply the next day. I received a call the next day, and I made it clear that I bought the items FROM TW, NOT from any dodgy supplier. the boxes were labelled by TW, not supplier. TW is not a marketplace, is it?

So the CS went through part list with me, took all the details, emailed the Supplier and called the supplier TWICE while I waited, no answer. The CS said that he wouldn't be working the next day.

Next day: .... I didn't get any update from TW, so I chatted again as I didn't have the phone number. The chat staff gave me eventually. But I was passed along like a dirt ball by 4 online CS. First CS, said that my missing parts would be despatched the next day. WOW, I was happy but why no one updated me that? Suddenly I was faced with second CS, said that my missing parts HAS BEEN DESPATCHED. Again, WOW, but why I had to call in to get update myself? Where's the proactiveness of CS? Third CS took over, and said that no reply from Supplier. OMG, everyone just made up stories as they went along.

So That was it, i picked up the phone and called. It was a call centre in Philippines, and everyone worked from home, and no one is authorized to do anything. I talked to a CS, and I reiterated that I had a business with TW, NOT any supplier, and I asked her to understand my daughter's condition at the moment. I didn't even mind to go pick up the two metal rods from the supplier, I could drive.

Why the supplier took so many days to reply TW?

TW not big enough to be of a concern?

or too many problems that they didn't have time to reply?

I asked her to call, and she said supplier had no phone number... ????? So yesterday's calls to suppliers were an act?

Lastly, this was the best part, she asked me to source the part myself at Bunnings. I said I walked Bunnings almost everyday, these were custom parts, and furthermore I would charge TW 600 dollars for my professional fee, can I bill TW for that? "I was only able to refund 102 dollars"

She kept asking for full refund scenario which I didn't want to give in. To me, Refund is an escape of a problem, a coward way of doing business. People ddo not want the money, people want the product. Refund is not solving anything, besides solving TW problem. Customer will still be the only party taking in the pain of emotion, time, frustration, and still end up with nothing.

So eventually I said I wanted to talk to her supervisor, but supervisor not available....Then I wanted to talk to supervisor's supervisor in Sydney.

Basically the whole conversation was full of nonsense that no one could bluff me with. I had experience in running ecommerce system, and warehouse and am a "handyman" by experience. CS job is to solve problems, NOT putting blame, passing emails, forwarding emails, expecting customers to be their job by calling in everyday for an update.

I even asked them to make a new order for me, thinking that Supplier might be more willing to send new order rather than 2 items, and then I will just unpack and take 2 items from the box and reject delivery, to be Returned to Sender.

I foresee this problem will last at least 2 weeks at least, which meant my daughter would have slept on the floor for 2 weeks, who would compensate me for that?

TW is definitely look like a marketplace, rather than a brand itself. People don't put their brand in the marketplace products, and people let customers deal with suppliers directly in a marketplace. If TW wants to come in the middle of everything, please exert your role as the middle man. Don't keep blaming Supplier and evade responsibilities.

So sick and tired of people taking cheap ways of doing business.