Macquarie Bank Phone Number

Macquarie Bank Phone number helpline is available for existing and non existing consumers to get support.

Macquarie Bank Contact Number

1300 368 908Customer Service

Call Macquarie Bank phone number is one of the best ways to contact Macquarie Bank Australia, Also this is easy, fast and you will speak with a customer care executive in just a few seconds.

You can reach Macquarie Bank customer support by calling 1300 368 908 number directly or +61 2 8245 4470 from overseas. You can contact during working hours Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm (Sydney Time).

Macquarie Bank Australia Contact/Phone Numbers

Macquarie Bank Customer Service Number Australia 1300 368 908
Macquarie Bank Customer Service Number Overseas +61 2 8245 4470
Lost or blocked card Contact Number 1300 150 300
Personal Loan Excising Clients 1300 368 908
Macquarie Bank Complaints Number 1800 806 310
Personal Loan New Clients Contact Number 1800 100 152
Macquarie Bank Business Banking Contact Number 1300 368 908

Macquarie Bank’s Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Service Phone Number

Call 13 15 63

This is an Macquarie Bank Australia’s Finest customer service telephone number that you can use to contact Macquarie Bank. since the real time present wait on hold and resources such as bypassing right through those telephone lines to get directly into a Macquarie Bank AU agent. You can use this number for various tasks such as

  • Account Issue
  • Complaints
  • Questions
  • Lost or Blocked Cards
  • A different Issue

Call 1300 368 908 – Macquarie Bank Business Banking

This is the direct, Business customer service line for any and all Macquarie Bank issues. Start here to get your business service set up with bank,  help with service, get your account managed and other issue with your service? They can help you.

Call 1300 150 300 – Macquarie Bank Lost or Blocked Card

If you have any issue for your card is stolen or lost card to report in a bank for contact this number 1300 150 300 contact during working hours Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm.

Head Office Contact Number

Corporate Head office address of Macquarie Bank Australia.
Level 28, 360 Elizabeth Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

For any general inquiries, please contact Macquarie Banking corporation number : 61 3 9605 6717

General Problems that Macquarie Bank Customers Reports

  • How do I transfer funds overseas?
  • What is Macquarie Bank’s home loan processing time?
  • Is Macquarie Bank good for home loans?
  • How do I apply for an Macquarie Bank mortgage?
  • What are Macquarie Bank’s home loan requirements?
  • How to Re-open my business banking?

Common Problem Categories

  • Complaints
  • Account Issue
  • Questions
  • Loan Issue
  • A different issue

Contact Macquarie Bank customer service Departmnet

In case you’ve got an issue or problem with your service, you can tell your problems Customer support department for Australia customer support calling 1300 368 908 and overseas customer calling this number 1300 368 908.

Macquarie Bank Business Banking Department

In this department the bank provide different type plan for open your business banking account and service . If you want to open or get the help for Macquarie Bank business account calling on this number 1300 368 908 during working hours Monday to Friday: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Macquarie Bank Personal Loan Department

If you want to take a Macquarie Bank personal loan or any problem or other issue and get the help or solving problem to contact on this number 1800 100 152( For Existing Clients) or 1300 368 908(New Clients)

Lodge A Complaint to Macquarie Bank

At Macquarie Bank, they place you and your expertise first, which explains why your feedback is really important for them. If you are with a problem, we would like to assist you fix it as soon as possible. We have made our complaints procedure simple with all the below form. Simply provide your information at Macquarie Bank Complaint department and one of our experts will be connected.


How do I contact Macquarie Australia?
1800 442 370

Does Macquarie Bank have branches in Australia?
Below you can find the local branches for MACQUARIE BANK LIMITED in Australia.

How do I contact Macquarie Bank 133 174?
If you see a transaction that you don’t recognise on your account or suspect fraud, let us know by giving us a call at any time on 133 174 (+61 2 8245 4470 if calling from overseas). You can also place a temporary lock on your debit card or credit card in Macquarie Online banking or in the Macquarie Mobile Banking app.

How big is Macquarie Bank in Australia?
Macquarie Bank Limited (MQG) has risen to become one of the largest banks in Australia, and in terms of market cap, it’s up there with the major banks. In late 2021, Macquarie Group Limited (MQG) hit a market cap of $77.5 billion according to Bloomberg, making it bigger in this regard than ANZ and Westpac at the time.

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records of Macquarie Bank phone number to directly contact Macquarie Bank customer service department.

More Ways to Contact Macquarie Bank

Macquarie Bank Customer Service
Email Support Macquarie Bank
Macquarie Bank Help Desk
Macquarie Bank on Social Media
All Macquarie Bank contacts

Macquarie Bank Customer Reviews

Average rating:  
 2 reviews
 by Sheebie on Macquarie Bank Australia

The set up progrewss was very easy, they have a very good starting HISA rate of 5.5% and also offer a 4.75 rate on your transaction account. What other bank offers a interest rate on a transaction account like that? The UI and interfare are pretty slick and the online banking is clean compared to other banks I have used like commbank and westpac.

 by Ravi Ravindran on Macquarie Bank Australia

Been fantastic since I switched my mortgage and trading accounts over.