Linkt Customer Service

Customer service tips to calling & contacting Linkt faster. By contacting Linkt customer service number, you can get your common issues solved & customer reviews.

Linkt Phone Number

13 14 50Customer Service

You can reach Linkt customer support by calling 13 14 50 number directly. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during working hours Monday to Sunday: 24 Hours.

You can call Linkt customer service number and generally discuss for following topics

  • Account issue
  • Toll invoice issue
  • Technical Support
  • Road pass issue
  • A different issue
Contact Linkt customer service Department

In case you’ve got an issue or problem with your service, you can tell your problems & Customer Support department on 13 14 50  Monday to Sunday: 24 Hours.

Linkt Login Department

If you want to login in Linkt to visit on this webpage and enter you username and password for login or find your user name and reset your password or related help.

General Problems that Linkt Customers Reports

How to find my username

Log in to update your vehicle details

How to reset my password

Common Problem Categories

  • Account issue
  • Toll invoice issue
  • Technical Support
  • Road pass issue
  • A different issue

About Linkt

Linkt is Queensland Motorways’ toll payment system and makes getting around Brisbane safe, easy and reliable. Linkt has a range of toll payment options to suit all motorists, regardless of how often you travel. Contact Linkt to discover more using our customer support telephone number.


How do I dispute a charge on Linkt?
You can dispute trips and charges online using our web form. Select ‘Query or dispute trips and charges’ from the drop-down menu.

How do I contact Link toll Sydney?
We can help you resolve queries regarding toll notices, your tolling account or fees. If your issue is urgent, please call Linkt on 13 33 31.

How do I get a refund on a charge?
If asking the merchant for a refund didn’t work, request a chargeback with your credit card issuer. Many card issuers let you dispute transactions by phone, mail or online.

How do I dispute a charge and get money back?
You can dispute an error on your credit card bill by phone, online, via an app or by mail with most credit card issuers. The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) gives you the right to withhold payment for the disputed amount until the dispute is resolved (within 90 days).

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine customer service numbers for Linkt Australia.

Linkt Customer Reviews

Average rating:  
 3 reviews
 by Padraig on Linkt Australia

I got 2 non payment bills while there was funds in my account. The lady I spoke to (Mel) was great and reversed So thumbs up but I have to say the fees charged for late payments are ridiculous and should be regulated.

 by Joyce McCourt on Linkt Australia

Impossible to wait long enough for phone to be answered. Chat line no help. Emails not answered. Terrible customer service.

 by Paul Lim on Linkt Australia

Hard to find a company on Google with reviews as low as these. Totally deserved.