Lebara Phone number helpline is available for existing and non existing consumers to get support.
Lebara Contact Number
1300 126 122 – Customer Service
Call Lebara phone number is one of the best ways to contact Lebara telecommunication australia, Also this is easy, fast and you will speak with a customer care executive in just a few seconds.
You can reach Lebara customer support by calling 1300 126 122 number directly. You can contact during working hours Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm.
Lebara Australia Contact/Phone Numbers
Lebara customer service for your lebara phone | 126122 |
Customer service Lebara for other number Contact | 1300 126 122 |
Lebara overseas calling contact number | +61 28622 6500 |
Voicemail from your mobile Lebara Contact | 121 |
Lebara Voicemail from a fixed line | 0414 121 121 |
Theft or loss service Contact Lebara | 1300 126 122 |
Lebara Emergency Number Contact | 000, 112 |
Lebara’s Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Service Phone Number
Call 1300 126 122
This is a Lebara Australia’s Finest customer service telephone number that you can use to contact Lebara. since the real time present wait on hold and resources such as bypassing right through those telephone lines to get directly into a Lebara AU agent. You can use this number for various tasks such as
- Mobiles services
- Get Sim
- Internet and cable Connection
- Complaints
- Lebara technical support
- Lebara billing Support
- Feedback about your experiences in-store or with a particular service
Call 1300 126 122 – Lebara Business Care
This is the direct, Business customer service line for any and all Lebara issues. Start here to get your business service set up with Lebara, help with billing, get your account managed and Experiencing a technical issue with your service? They can help you.
Call 1300 126 122 – Lebara Enterprice Customers
This is the direct, Enterprice customer service line for any and all Lebara issues.
Head Office Contact Number
Corporate Head office address of Lebara Australia.
1 Lyon Park Rd, Macquarie Park,
Sydney, NSW 2113
For any general inquiries, please contact Lebara head office number : +61 1300 126 122
General Problems that Lebara Customers Reports
My address does not show during activation, what can I do?
What are my recharge options and how can I recharge?
Common Problem Categories
- Change plan
- Billing
- Technical Support
- Overcharge/Strange charge
- Cancel service
Contact Lebara customer service & technical support
In case you’ve got an issue or problem with your service, you can tell your problems & Technical Support department on 126 122 for your lebara mobile and 1300 126 122 other mobile or fixline contact during working hours Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 8:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm.
How to activate Lebara Pre-Paid service
If you want to activate lebara pre-paid service to visit on this webpage and fill all the required information follow the step of process.
Contact Mobile Technical Support
You can contact Mobile Technical Support of Lebara on 1300 126 122.
Lodge A Complaint to Lebara
At Lebara, they place you and your expertise first, which explains why your feedback is really important for them. If you are with a problem, we would like to assist you fix it as soon as possible. We have made our complaints procedure simple with all the below form. Simply provide your information at Lebara Complaint department and one of our experts will be connected.
Contact Lebara Fixed Line technical support
If you queries for fixed line account support, contact 1300 126 122 from working hours 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday to Friday and Saturday to Sunday: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm.
How do I contact Lebara Australia?
1300 126 122
Is Lebara in Australia?
Lebara offers a flexible, convenient range of 30-day prepaid plans to suit every lifestyle and budget—ranging from $14.90 to $69.90 per 30 days. Our short-term prepaid plans offer: Unlimited standard talk and text within Australia. Data options to suit all your needs.
Is Lebara a part of Telstra?
In Australia, Lebara’s 4G mobile network coverage comes courtesy of Vodafone. As a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO), Lebara offers its customers full access to the Vodafone 4G network (unlike Telstra’s restricted Wholesale Network).
How do I cancel Lebara Australia?
If you’d like to cancel your current number and close your Lebara Mobile account, please email us at care@lebara.com.au.
Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine records of Lebara phone number to directly contact Lebara customer service department.
More Ways to Contact Lebara
Lebara Customer Service
Lebara Live Chat
Lebara Email Support
Lebara Help Desk
Lebara on Social Media
All Lebara contacts
Lebara Customer Reviews
Customer service I talked to just now is very clear and helpful, in activation of esim card.
Also I like the prepaid plan with the option of calling overseas freely
Great service and the staff was so polite