Contact OnePath

Phone Number : 133667

Email :

Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm / Saturday - Sunday: Closed. 

Website :

Contact OnePath Australia customer service contact numbers

Corporate Head office: 242 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

OnePath Australia
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Ahmed Atia

Lovely Service!!!!

Looking for the OnePath Australia customer service and support number? To contact OnePath is very easy. Here are the top 7 ways to get in touch with OnePath.

OnePath Phone Number

133 667Customer Service

You can reach OnePath customer support by calling 133 667 number directly. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during working hours Monday to Friday: 8:30 am – 6:00 pm and Saturday and Sunday: Closed. 

OnePath Australia Contact/Phone Numbers

OnePath customer service 133 667
Existing customer number OnePath 1300 721 426
OnePath Insurance purchased through an Adviser 133 667
Insurance purchased directly from OnePath 132 062
Car, Home, Landlord, Travel and CTP Green Slip Insurance Contact  132 062
OnePath Mortgage Protection Insurance – Existing customers only 1300 721 426
Website support OnePath Contact 1800 251 588
Find an adviser contact OnePath 133 667
OnePath International Callers Contact 612 9234 8111
Risk Adviser Services OnePath 1800 222 066
OnePath Retail underwriting Contact 1800 300 006
Contact Group underwriting OnePath 1800 199 414
Superannuation, Pensions & Investments Contact  133 665

OnePath’s Best Toll-Free/800 Customer Service Phone Number 

Call 133 667

This is an OnePath Australia’s Finest customer service telephone number that you can use to contact OnePath. since the real time present wait on hold and resources such as bypassing right through those telephone lines to get directly into a OnePath AU agent. You can use this number for various tasks such as

  • Policy Question
  • Get Insurance
  • Cancel Policy
  • Make a Claim
  • Insurance Plans
  • A different issue

 Head Office Contact Number

Corporate Head office address of OnePath Australia.
242 Pitt St,
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia

For any general inquiries, please contact OnePath head office number : +61 2 9234 8111

Contacting OnePath – by phone or otherwise

Even though +61 2 9234 8111 is OnePath’s finest toll-free number, you will find 4 complete ways of getting in contact with them. Apart from calling, the upcoming favorite alternative for customers searching for assistance is through online chat support for OnePath Australia customer service Support. If you feel this information is wrong or know of other ways to get OnePath, please let us know so we can discuss with other consumers.

Contact OnePath Via EMAIL ADDRESS

As an alternative, you can email OnePath at one of the support email addresses given below. To make process simple, fast and efficient, it might be helpful if you included sufficient information in your email address to let them verify your identity, including your present address, date of birth, phone details etc.

For General Inquiries :

For Risk Adviser:

For Insurance Feedback:,

Contact OnePath Australia Through Social Media, Website & App

If you have a missing claim, a small issue with an OnePath service, or are having trouble making a insurance, try using social media to contact OnePath Australia. Go to their official Facebook or Twitter, and click on the “message” button.

Live Chat Support of OnePath Australia

Live chat is great option to contact OnePath quickly. If you have a problem with an claim or OnePath service, click on this link or paste it into the search bar of your browser and hit enter to go to the page. You can Chat with OnePath Australia on and get customer service support for various topics like claim & General Support, Track your insurance.

OnePath Australia Regular Customer Service Hours

Mon to Friday: Open 8:30 am – 6:00 pm (AEST)
Saturday and Sunday : Closed

Store hours today Opening Hours Closing Hours
Monday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
Thursday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
Friday 8:30 AM 6:00 PM
Saturday  Closed  Closed
Sunday  Closed  Closed

OnePath Holiday Hours

Customer service is closed on most public holidays. Our self serve functions are available Working Hours.
Christmas Day and Easter Sunday: Closed

Public Holidays : Closed

How to contact various departments of OnePath

Contact OnePath customer service

In case you’ve got an issue or fault with your service, you can tell your problems Customer Support department on 133 667.

Risk Adviser Services Contact

If you have any issue or problem with service please calling this number 1800 222 066.

Contact Website Support Contact

If you have any issue for website support contact this number 1800 251 588

Superannuation, Pensions & Investments Department

If you have any problem of Superannuation, Pensions and Investments department please calling this number 133 665

Lodge A Complaint to OnePath

At OnePath, they place you and your expertise first, which explains why your feedback is really important for them. If you are with a problem, we would like to assist you fix it as soon as possible. We have made our complaints procedure simple with all the below form. Simply provide your information at OnePath Complaint department and one of our experts will be connected.


Who owns OnePath superannuation?
In June 2019, Zurich completed OnePath’s acquisition from ANZ, which took 18 months from when it was first announced.

How do I contact OnePath retirement portfolio service?

How to cancel OnePath life insurance?
You can cancel the policy within 30 days of receiving the Policy Schedule by contacting us on 13 16 14. You may cancel your policy at any time. If the policy is cancelled or avoided during the 30 day cooling-off period, we will return any premiums paid, provided no claim has been made.

Is one path part of ANZ?
OnePath Custodians and OnePath Life are currently wholly owned subsidiaries of Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ABN 11 005 357 522) (ANZ). ANZ is an authorised deposit taking institution (Bank) under the Banking Act 1959 (Cth). Although these entities are currently owned by ANZ none of them is a Bank.

Hopefully, We helped you to get some genuine Contact numbers for OnePath Australia Customer Service.

Got some questions? Or some suggestions? That’s why we’ve got a review section on this site! You can feel free to leave a review or two down below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!

We love reading your messages……

Also Read : Contact AIA 

More Ways to Contact OnePath

OnePath Phone Number
OnePath Live Chat
OnePath Customer Service
OnePath Email Support
OnePath Help Desk
OnePath on Social Media

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OnePath Australia
Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by Ahmed Atia

Lovely Service!!!!